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Each person can make a difference individually although collectively
we greatly enhance the ability to reduce unnecessary suffering. Ongoing
increases in the need for assistance also increases the need for volunteers
and donations.
We are actively seeking volunteers! If you have strong interpersonal
skills, and are able to make a commitment to volunteer, please contact
Volunteers should complete a volunteer application and mail
it or fax it (604-942-7533) to Network for Animals.
Click here to view our Volunteer Application
No time to volunteer? Could you make a donation and/or collect needed items?
Miscellaneous Items:
Payroll deductions: can be designated to the Network through the United Way by quoting our federal charity registration #87323 7242 RR0001
.HBC Rewards points: can be online at
Memorial donations: What better way to pay tribute to a loved one, and help reduce suffering in the world.
Bequests: When preparing or changing your will, please consider leaving a bequest.
TELUS Bill: The Network for Animals is now on TELUS' online list of charities.